that bojack horseman finale
“I think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them even if they were never meant to be in your life forever.”
In this lifetime, you are going to meet so many people every single day. You’re going to meet people that impact your life and people that don’t stay for a very long time. However long or short that relationship was it’s going to be one of the reasons why you ended up becoming the person that you are today. It’s interesting because sometimes this person may end up staying with you for so many years… and then it just ends suddenly.
People grow and change. People move away and lose that connection they had before. They learn from their mistakes and try to work through the relationship, if the damage can be mended. But sometimes that doesn’t happen. Sometimes when you’re going through a hard time… there’s an urge to bring other people down in the process.
That line from Bojack Horseman hit me really hard. I’ve been through many instances where I lost touch with friends or broke up with someone because of circumstance. When two people are getting to know each other and they find this connection, it seems like the other person will stick around for a very long time. But sometimes that doesn’t happen.
Watching this episode made me very emotional for many reasons, one being that this fantastic show was ending, and the other being the fact that this line resonated with my life, my relationships with the people I lost touch with many years ago. It’s sad to admit that. You grow and you learn about yourself when you form a relationship with someone. You may discover a side of yourself that you never knew before and realise that this person helped you unlock that part of you. Appreciating their existence and knowing that you’re there for them is truly something magical about forming a relationship with someone. Friendships and relationships, or any kind of ship works both ways. Sometimes it may be good and other times it may not.
But sometimes… some people are not meant to be in your lives forever. And it’s fine. You have to accept it and move on. You have to remind yourself that ending the relationship/friendship was the best for both of you. And that sometimes, the space was needed. It may be temporary or it could just be left unsaid forever. It’s not a terrible thing. You just have to remind yourself that it was for the best. The memories and moments that you spent together were what mattered in that relationship. What matters is that both of you found closure, whether it was bad or good, and moved on.
BoJack and Diane had a very interesting relationship throughout the entire season. In the previous season, Diane wanted BoJack to get sober. In this last season, when BoJack tries to commit suicide, he calls Diane so that she would be the one to come and save her. But she is in Chicago. She is in no position to help him. This makes her upset. After that incident, she doesn’t keep in touch with him.
A year later, Diane and BoJack meet again. It’s awkward at first because they never expected to see each other ever again. This is where Diane says that, “I think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them even if they never meant to be in your life forever.” I just paused the video and thought about that line. And it was true. I’ve definitely learned a lot about myself through the last ten years. Being in a friendship that lasted more than five years and some that lasted for a couple of months.
Diane and BoJack are characters that have grown a lot from the very first season. They’ve both been depressed, lost people that they loved and moved on from people that didn’t appreciate them, or you know, pushed them away because of their shitty behaviour. An ending where BoJack and Diane had been friends for the rest of their lives wasn’t something that could’ve happened because when you end up hurting the people that you love, there’s no guarantee that they’re gonna be in your lives forever.